Student Activism

                               Student Task Forces

Student-led human rights task force groups address current national and global human rights problems and are a great way for students to be involved with the Center on a volunteer-basis, and to focus on a campaign of their choosing. Students interested in forming a task force first meet with the Center’s staff and Director to discuss the goals for the group, propose a mission statement, develop a budget, and suggest events the group would like to support or plan at the college. Task force groups are entirely student-led and only receive guidance and modest financial support from the Center. Students define the issues they wish to support and implement activities designed to achieve their group’s mission locally as well as off campus. They learn how to work as a team on an issue, and develop skills in monitoring, research brief writing, fundraising, letter writing and social media campaigns, as well as networking with local, national, and international organizations.

Early on, the Center’s student-led initiatives included a role in founding and developing Students Against Genocide (SAG), a nation-wide effort aimed at stopping genocide in Darfur, Sudan; and a mission to provide relief to residents of New Orleans following the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina. Other initiatives have grown from these early efforts each one focused on a current domestic or international human rights issue. As well, in 2015, students formed the first ever CMC Amnesty International chapter which has grown significantly since its founding and includes student membership from all 5 undergraduate colleges.

Human Rights Task Force Groups:
Amnesty International*
● Curis – Global Health/Poverty*
● Unchained: Anti-Human Trafficking / Slavery*
Immigration and Refugee Rights (TIRR)*
Power of Women – Women’s Rights*
● LINK – Liberty in North Korea
● IDEA – International Development in Education Association
● SEI (Social Enterprise Initiative) – Microfinance
● SAG – Students Against Genocide
*active task force group

                              Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a global movement of people fighting injustice and promoting human rights around the world. In the fall of 2015 a group of dedicated students launched the inaugural Amnesty International chapter at Claremont McKenna College (AI-CMC).   The student led chapter has organized a variety of programming and initiatives over the past few years and maintains a large active roster with well over 100 student members (most task force groups include between 5-10 student volunteers).  Learn more about their activities and how to get involved with this dynamic and committed group of students.

   Student members of AI-CMC hosting an artists for amnesty exhibit in the CMC Athenaeum lobby

More information

For more information on how to get involved with or join one of our human rights task force groups or Amnesty International-CMC please contact Kirsti Zitar,